viernes, 17 de febrero de 2012

The sattelite: chapter 2

It´s been a long time coming, but it´s here now though. It´s here now though! IT´S HERE NOW THOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The sattelite the motherfucking sattelite is fucking back.
Before I start this, I wan´t to thank our researcher Yocalo Pepapes Berebere du popepapina.

The sattelite:Chapter 2
1. Bing, Boing,Diring,ding,doing doing, etc. Are irrational words and cannot be mixed    with any other word in the same sentence. E.j. Bing Boing "Telecomunications central".
That is wrong. Sattelites recall that as offensive and unproper.

2. As there is a Pye question mark there is also a Sattelite symbol: /---0---/

3. Sattelites can often by confused with burros mugrosos.

4. Not everyone can be a Sattelite searcher you have to win it by discovery or research merits, Yocalo pepapes berebere du popepapina is taking his first steps in this field. If you want to join the program contact me. And you will need to know the sattelite in soul and mind.

5.Sattelites are scared away by rats and usually beeing very shy are also scared by Sattelite searchers if this ones don´t treat the situation properly.Only the best searchers know how to do this.

6.Drunken sattelites are very rare but when they aren´t sobber,stay away from them, you might risk your live. First they look pacific like a normal drunk man. But then 
they´re evil.

As you can see this drunk sattelite has got angry, this sepecimen in particular is hidding his ears and has tatoos that mark his live and his way of living. Thanks for Yocalo´s contact for risking his live.

7.Although Bing Boing cannot be put in ein sentence wit uder rational words, you could say: Bing boing(Small pause) .Redirecting signal, or: Bing boing(Small pause) . Signal  detected. But still not many other things.

A small species inhabits our universe, even orbits, is in the interiors or sorrundings of our planet. This creatures are called...

and they are awaiting for YOU!

1 comentario:

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